white girl black guys meme sorted by


What the hell is this 5 black 1 white meme? : NoStupidQuestions

DISALLOWED QUESTION AREAS These types of questions are not allowed and will be removed:• Well, as a Karen, I just have to say — that is peak Karen behavior.

Mem: A girl and five guys

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The ‘Karen’ memes and jokes aren’t sexist or racist. Let a Karen explain.

Civil disagreements can happen, but insults should not.

The ‘Karen’ memes and jokes aren’t sexist or racist. Let a Karen explain.

There is no such thing as a Stupid Question! She is 23 years old, but she has already gained wide popularity — the top 20 actresses in terms of the number of requests for Pornhub for 2017.

Destroy White Boys I am a pathetic white boy who has witnessed the power of the black race. This blog is dedicated to the supremacy and superiority of the black race over the white race. Feel free to send me demeaning messages about me being a worthless waste of space. I live to serve any and all black men. At this point, I'm not even sure what‘s bail and what‘s not anymore.

Note: Only personal attacks are removed, otherwise if it's just content you find offensive, you are free to browse other websites.

Mem: A girl and five guys

Everyone here is willing to help.

Destroy White Boys I am a pathetic white boy who has witnessed the power of the black race. This blog is dedicated to the supremacy and superiority of the black race over the white race. Feel free to send me demeaning messages about me being a worthless waste of space. I live to serve any and all black men. At this point, I'm not even sure what‘s bail and what‘s not anymore.

Memes with Russian characters are still few, most often the authors just use pictures from Reddit.

tax time!!!

- At this point, I'm not even sure what's bait and what's not anymore.

What the hell is this 5 black 1 white meme? : NoStupidQuestions

This blog is dedicated to the supremacy and superiority of the black race over the white race.